Prickle Community Acupuncture is based on a concept that acupuncture should be accessible to everyone. It should be affordable and explained in terms that people understand. It is effective across all demographics, and is not dependent on education, income, cultural background or beliefs.
Prickle Bookings:
PH (03) 9420 9118
Prickle fees vary based on income
Concession fees
1 hour initial consultation - $25
45 minute return consultation - $20
Middle fees
1 hour initial consultation - $50
45 mintue return consultation - $40
Full fees
1 hour initial consultation - $75
45 minute return consultation - $60
Prickle Locations:
Boroondara Community Health Centre
378 Burwood Road
Hawthorn 3122
Yarra Health Services
283 Church Street
Richmond 3121